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Found 137 results for any of the keywords american antiquarian. Time 0.011 seconds.
Collecting for Salvation: American Antiquarianism and the Natural HistThe outlines of “salvation antiquarianism”—with the emphasis on “saving” both in terms of preservation and Christian redemption—appears particularly clearly in the AAS’s inaugural 1813 address.
Irvine, California - WikipediaJames Irvine II died in 1947 at the age of 80. His son, Myford, assumed the presidency of the Irvine Company. He began opening small sections of the Irvine Ranch to urban development.
Levi Lincoln’s Wayward Son – Daniel Waldo Lincoln - Commonplace - TheDaniel’s preordained path as Republican steward began well enough, but it soon took a tragic detour.
“Nativity Gives Citizenship”: Teaching Antislavery Constitutionalism tAs a teacher, the Black convention movement in the 1850s has helped me to broaden my story of the origins of the Civil War, especially the pitfalls to avoid when it comes to focusing too heavily on the controversy over s
5 Kota Destinasi Wisata di Negara Bagian Massachusetts, Amerika SerikThere is a world out there. Travel and explore it.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, The Jigsaw Puzzle: Jumbling the Pieces of Stowe’s SUnderstanding puzzles as agents of disorder runs counter to a common interpretation that associates puzzles with the quest for and ultimate affirmation of order.
William Mary’s Nottoway Quarter: The Political Economy of InstitutioBuck Woodard and Danielle Moretti-Langholtz
Editor’s Note—Birds, Bots, and Elephants: Commonplace and Social MediaSo, what is the right decision for Commonplace when it comes to choosing a social media strategy?
Teach US History |This website contains historic primary source images and text as well as background information that provides historical, cultural, and literary context to significant events in American history. Additionally the site co
Edgar Allan Poe: Pioneering Mollusk Scientist - Commonplace - The JourPoe’s work reminds us that the separation of “Arts” and “Sciences” into discrete discourses of knowledge is itself a quite recent invention.
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